Q Mastercard Finance

Purchasing online with Q Mastercard
You can now use your Q Mastercard to make online purchase at rapalloav.co.nz and receive at least 3 months no payments and no interest on your purchase.
Click here for current offer terms and conditions.
To use Q Mastercard online simply select ‘Credit Card’ as your payment type when you check-out, enter your Q Mastercard number, expiry date and CVV number. (Your CVV number is a 3 digit number displayed on the back on your QMastercard).
What is Q Mastercard?
Q MasterCard is your perfect shopping partner for purchases big or small, combining the benefits of a credit card with a range of interest-free deals and payment holidays. Enjoy 3 months no payments and no interest^ on every Purchase made with your Q MasterCard in store or online. Whether you’re planning a holiday or refurnishing your home, Q MasterCard lets you make big ticket purchases on our interest-free and/or payment holiday terms.
To find out more about Q Mastercard, or to apply online, please visit here.
What about long term finance?
Rapallo offers 12 months interest free on purchases above $1,000 or 18 months interest free for purchase over $2,000. You can apply for approval yourself here. Please note that this is not offered on products that are on sale.
A minimum purchase amount may be required. Account fee of $55 for new cards per LTF application or $35 for existing cards per LTF application. For interest free only deals, monthly payments are required throughout interest free period. Standard Interest Rate applies to any outstanding balance at end of payment holiday or interest free period. Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply.