The Chicken or the Egg?

What’s more important: your source or your speakers? This week we wanted to start with the our most common HiFi Read More

Meet the Rapallo Staff | Deano Lambert

Meet the Rapallo Staff. A huge part of Rapallo is our staff, as we are only a small team. All Read More

Chasing the ultimate listening experience & the elusive perfect speaker position!

The idea of an ultimate placement was the end game position, but I surmised to be a myth, a process that I believed as audio con artistry… follow our journey to placement nirvana.

Bi-wiring and bi-amping: what’s the fuss?

Some speakers like the ELAC Adante’s or the new ELAC Vela’s, the Klipshorns and the RF7 III, the SVS Ultra’s, the Dali Epicons and the Q Acoustics Concept 500’s come with two pairs of terminals (binding posts) at the back of the speaker, allowing you to bi-wire or bi-amp. Huh?!

Mainly it’s a right reserved for high end speakers, but some very affordable speakers like the Emotiva Airmotiv’s T1 floorstanders offer the option too. The topic of bi-wiring and bi-amping is the cause of many heated discussion on audiophile forum. Even people who know a thing a two about AV don’t always agree on their merits.

Time for us to give you our 5 cents worth of insight.

The AV receiver vs. Separates matchup

If you’ve ever spent any time browsing the forums, the odds are good you’ve run into a discussion regarding the benefits of AV receivers versus separates. This rivalry has proponents and valid arguments on both sides of the table. Long story short: we can see valid arguments on both ends of the table. But what works best for you?