Getting Sound Throughout The House

Imagine seamless sound flowing evenly through every room in your home — such is the experience of multi-room wireless speaker Read More

Iconic speaker nostalgia

I don’t know if it’s just us who have noticed, but it seems that the latest thing in loudspeakers world is to release new versions of previously iconic speakers.

I’m sure the right psychologist will come up with an explanation of some sort, but I wonder whether it ties in with the whole resurgence of vinyl as well. Like a bout of global audiophile nostalgia? Who knows…

In a short amount of time 3 different speaker brands that date back to the early Hi-Fi years, managed their way on to the Rapallo radar. Now, I don’t know about you, but when things pop up in threes, I pay attention 😉 The funny thing is that while all three speakers are undeniable speaker legends, the companies each approached the current day speaker re-release in very, very different ways. 

Yamaha RX-A or RX-V: what’s the difference?

Recently, we’ve added the Yamaha Aventage Series to our offering and we’re really stoked about that. Why’s that, you may ask? Isn’t Yamaha just Yamaha? And you’re right. We’ve been recommending the Yamaha RX-V series to our customers for a long time and for good reason. It’s just good, reliable ‘stuff’ that doesn’t tend to ‘play up on you’. And in the odd occasion where it does, the support you get from Yamaha and the importer is excellent. So what’s the difference between the RX-V Series and the Aventage Series? The answer to that tends to be a little obscure. You definitely are not going to get a straight answer from the Yamaha website. So here’s a bit of an explanation of why it’s a big deal. 

Gabe’s Home Theatre

There is no job more awesome in this world than the one that helps people realize a lifelong dream.  We at Rapallo are in the business of just that and we love it!‘This is the best place ever!’ are Gabe’s words as soon as we walk through the door for this interview, a few weeks after completing his new home.Gabe and his wife have moved away from the rat race now that the kids are grown up and have moved out. They went for the dream home and got exactly what they had it mind.  For Gabe’s wife that meant a kitchen with a sea view, for Gabe it was a home theatre that topped the list. Once they started planning the home theatre a multi-room audio system was added to the project.