HDMI troubleshooting

The whole HDMI thing is a blessing… and a curse. Yes, we admit it. We have been known to throw our hands up in frustration just like the rest of you. But with some sleuthing, there is usually a fix that does not involve a hammer and a credit card. 

Here’s our 5 cents of HDMI troubleshooting advice. 

AV cables: hype and science

When choosing interconnects and speaker cables, we really want brands that don’t promote expensive pseudoscience or make semi-scientific statements. With a background in science and engineering (Master of Electronic Engineering) Bart is a strong advocate of provable engineering principles . He believes that unscientific claims do not have a place in any sales environment, including AV and with that AV cables. Especially not when it is spread by companies who are knowingly trying to make money out of ordinary people like you and me, spending their hard-earned bucks on something they feel passionate about.Yes, we know that we will rub some people the wrong way with this statement. It is by no means our intention to upset people. We do however believe that as a supplier who often hands out expert information, we have a responsibility to ensure accurate information that is backed up by science is provided.

5 tips to improve your home theatre experience that won’t cost a cent

Now summer has turned its back on us, for many time has arrived to tackle the house rather than the garden. While I’m sure there are many bathrooms waiting for a revamp, there is plenty to be done to improve your home theatre experience that won’t cost you a cent (!!!) and is far more exciting.  I mean, what better way to spend a rainy weekend with your favorite tools and reap the immediate results in the evening with popcorn and a movie?  We lined up 5 tips that will make a really big impact on the performance of your home theatre (whether dedicated or not). All that is required is a bit of your time, a Rapallo blog and a manual or two.

The latest and greatest on HDMI at Rapallo

Despite the proliferation of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and mobile (GSM), there is still plenty of cable around. HDMI cables and products in general are core to our offering and with the advent of more affordable 4k TVs and (hopefully soon) 4k projectors, it is time to give you an update of where the future lies for 4K HDMI products.